Macbook keyboard replacement in Newcastle

Your Macbook keyboard can be repaired or replaced. Our collection sand return ervice is free of charge if you live in the Newcastle upon Tyne region.

Macbook Pro Keyboard Replacement

Macbook keyboard replacement

Keyboard failures, even if limited to just a few keys, are another common failure on Macbooks over time.

Your keyboard takes a lot of stress. You’ll often find that the most used keys, such as “E”, “A” will begin to stick or stop working completely.

Until recently, Macbooks used a butterfly mechanism for keyboards. Keys might pop out and you’ll find them very difficult to replace, or the mechanism below them will fail.

We can try to replace faulty keys, but you will often find that you need to replace the entire keyboard. Replacement of your keyboard requires the removal of almost all internal components including the main logic board of your Macbook.

Macbook Keyboard Replacement Newcastle
New Macbook Keyboard Replacement Newcastle

The benefits of a new Macbook keyboard

The feel of a new Macbook keyboard is something you’ll only truly appreciate when you first begin using it again.

As one of the biggest stress-points of your Macbook’s life, a new keyboard is a transformative repair. It vastly improves the experience of using and working on machine.

We remove all the necessary internal components and reinstate the LED backlight cover on the keyboard, using a complete set of new (and very small!) screws.

We’ll also clean the interior of your Macbook during this procedure, as it is one of several where we need to get to every area of the interior of the case.

How much does it cost to replace a Macbook keyboard?

Depending on the model of your Macbook, the typical price for a full new keyboard is between £175 and £280, fitted and guaranteed.

We can give you a more accurate estimate if you use our contact form and tell us of the precise nature of your keyboard problem along with the model of Macbook.

All our new keyboard replacements come with a guarantee and we’ll collect the Macbook from you and return it with the fabulous new keyboard fitted if you live in a qualifying collection and return area in the Newcastle upon Tyne region.

Fit New Macbook Keyboard Newcastle
Macbook repairs Newcastle

Is it worthwhile to have a new keyboard installed in your MacBook?

A new keyboard can transform your Macbook and the ease of working or playing on it.

We have received emails from customers who are delighted at how much it improves their use of the machine. This is particularly true if they’ve been using a butterfly-mechanism Macbook, where the keys can begin to take on a dead feel, become sticky or only work intermittently when pressed.

Installing a new keyboard, along with a new battery, can genuinely restore a MacBook to feeling close to new again.

Can we replace any Macbook keyboard?

Yes, we can replace almost every type of Macbook keyboard and return it to being like new.

The original PowerBook keyboards pose a challenge due to limited availability, but we will make an effort to source a Unibody keyboard if it is required.

If you own a MacBook and your keyboard is experiencing any of the issues highlighted on this page, we can replace it. You’ll be delighted with the performance and feel.

Replace Macbook keyboard Sunderland
How long to fit a new Macbook keyboard?

How long does it take to fit a new keyboard to your Apple Macbook?

We always try to get your Macbook, complete with new keyboard, back to you as soon as we can.

The delivery time on keyboards depends on the precise model of Macbook. However, we advise customers that a new keyboard replacement will usually take 2-4 days from collection to return.

You will be kept informed at every stage, and you’ll be eager to press as many keys as possible once you experience how fantastic a new keyboard is!

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